Pacifico Energy is committed to building
and operating a nature-friendly power supply.
The amount of power and CO2 emission reduction generated by renewable power facilities developed and constructed by Pacifico Energy since inception to date.
Generation | CO2 Emission Reduction | |
Annual | 1,401,866,137kWh | 600,354t-CO2 |
Cumulative | 5,417,918,931kWh | 2,531,881t-CO2 |
Pacifico Energy has been developing solar power generation projects in Japan since 2012, the first year of the introduction of the government’s fixed price purchase system for renewable energy. Since then Pacifico has obtained facility certifications from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for the mega solar projects totaling over 1GW.
Pacifico Energy, a pioneer in renewable energy development, launched its ESS business in 2021. International expertise, technical know-how, extensive experience in renewable energy, and end-to-end business support capabilities provide unparalleled value to customers and society.
Power trading refers to trading activities in the market for buying and selling electricity. Electricity suppliers (power plants and retailers) and consumers (companies and individuals) sell and buy electricity in the power trading market.
Offshore wind power enables Japan to produce renewable energy on a massive scale domestically via the installation of wind power generators right off the coast or further out in the sea. With the world’s sixth largest sea space, Japan’s long-term potential for offshore wind energy is estimated to be approximately 1,600 GW, which is approximately 10 times the existing thermal power generation and approximately 40 times the existing nuclear power generation in our country.
CommunitiesSponsorship for the “Farewell Party for Third-Year Junior High School Students” by a Track and Field Club in Saitama Prefecture
CommunitiesPacifico Energy CEO Hiroki Matsuo Receives the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon for His Donation to Support the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture.
EIAPublic Notification for EIA Report – Tokuyama Solar Power Project