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Coporate Version of Hometown Tax Donation to Foster Parents Support Project in Tochigi Prefecture

In December 2021, Pacifico Energy provided support for the nurture of children and future generations in 11 prefectures where we have been operating solar power plants through the corporate version of Furusato tax payment.

Tochigi Prefecture operates a fostering agency (Tochigi Fostering Center) to support children who are unable to live at home and need public protection due to abuse, poverty, or illness of their guardians. The agency actively promotes the foster care system by holding information sessions on the foster care system,necessary training for registering as a foster parent, and a “Foster Parent Cafe” where people interested in foster care and foster parents can casually participate. Pacifico Energy also endorsed this activity and a part of the funds we donated were used for this “Fostering Promotion Project.
In addition, the rest of the donations were also used for the “Tochigi Marriage Support Project,” which holds some events for unmarried young people to meet each other, and the “Tochigi WORKWORK Employment Promotion Project,” which runs their own job search website.

We are happy to support local revitalization and the nurture of youths and children who will lead the next generation through our Furusato tax donations.

Public Relations, Pacifico Energy

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