What is the SDGs?
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) is a set of international development goals from 2016 to 2030, which was adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015 building on the success of
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The 2030 Agenda listed “Sustainable Development Goals” consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets in order to eradicate poverty and realize a sustainable world. The SDGs are universal goals applicable, not only to developing countries but
also developed countries, and pledge to “Leave no one behind.” through the implementation process.
Japan welcomes the historic adoption of the 2030 Agenda as a country that has consistently contributed to the formulation and negotiations of the Agenda and will make the utmost efforts to implement it with the international community
based on the concept of human security.
(Abstract from
Through our business at Pacifico Energy, we are actively making progress to achieve the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs). By utilizing the SDGs, we seek to actualize “Economic Value”, “Societal Value”, and “Environmental Value”.

1. The Development of Renewable Energy

Pacifico Energy believes we can positively contribute to the increase of Japan’s self-sufficiency rate, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and build a safe and secure infrastructure through spreading renewable energy that is clean, domestically produced, and independent from foreign resources.
2. Coexistence with nature

- Conducting surveys in accordance with local ordinances for the conservation of the environment.
- Size reduction of our development areas in consideration of endangered plants, animals, and the requests of locals, and the ensuring of remaining forest levels to stay significantly above prefectural standards.
- Conducting transplantation of endangered or rare plant species in the planned project sites identified in the preliminary environmental survey.
- Contribution to the safety of downstream regions by the construction of reservoirs exceeding the capacity required by the prefectural standards in consideration of past floods.
- Suggesting the switch to paperless
- Conducting afforestation activities (planting and growth management of Black Pine in Yuza-machi, Akumi-gun, Yamagata Prefecture)
- Cashed into the 17,157 plastic bottle caps collected at the office as recycled plastic material through the Ecocap Promotion Association, a non-profit organization, contributing to various social activities such as medical care, support for the disabled, and environmental education for children. Reduced CO2 emissions by 125.69 kg when incinerated as garbage.
3. Coexistence with local communities
- Active engagement in partnerships with local companies who support the spread of renewable energy(Okayama Prefecture)
- Creation of local employment
- Participation in local festivals
- A total of 400,000 masks were donated to prefectures and municipalities where power plants are located as a countermeasure against the spread of the new coronavirus in 2020.
4. Actualizing an Attractive Workplace that Emphasizes People

- Equal pay for equal work regardless of gender
- Company culture allowing for commitment to the Work-Life integration such as nursing or childcare needs (i.e. working from home, flexible working hours, off-peak commuting, and bringing children to work)
- Promoting the success of diverse employee
- Promotion of senior participation and elimination of the mandatory retirement age
- The culture that encourages our people to enjoy a paid vacation (more than 20 days of paid vacation starting from the first year)
- 100% Paid Maternity Leave (14 weeks)
- Encouragement of male employees to partake in childcare
5. Corporate Governance

- Establishment of a Compliance system (i.e. Compliance Committee)
- Conducting Compliance training (E-Learning)
- Establishment of Compliance Hotline
- Careful attainment of proper permission to build energy plants before beginning construction
- Delivery of transparent information to our Stakeholders